Transgender adults in rural America may have more risks for cardiovascular disease


Renata Angerami/iStock via Getty Images
(5second/iStock via Getty Images)

Transgender adults in rural America may be more likely to develop risk factors – including obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes – that can lead to cardiovascular disease and death than their non-transgender peers, 新的研究表明.

发现 are the latest in a growing body of evidence that underscores the need for stronger health interventions that help reduce disparities that many transgender individuals face, 特别是在农村地区, that make them more at risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. 的 new research will be presented Sunday at the 美国心脏协会's 科学会议 conference in Philadelphia. 的 发现 are considered preliminary until full results are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

有了这些发现, we can intentionally work towards improving the overall health and well-being of transgender individuals and reducing their cardiovascular risk,该研究的首席研究员说, Dr. Ebubechukwu Ezeh在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. He is a cardiovascular disease fellow at the University of Kansas in Kansas City. “因为我们的研究对象相对年轻, we believe that early intervention may reduce the future risks of death from cardiovascular causes."

的 study included 89 self-reported transgender adults and 69 randomly selected non-transgender, 或cisgender, 住在亨廷顿的人, 西维吉尼亚州, and neighboring rural areas of Ohio and Kentucky between November 2022 and February 2023. 两组参与者的平均年龄都是29岁.

Researchers found that transgender participants had more than six times higher odds of using tobacco and were about four times more likely to have prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes than cisgender participants.

与变性女性相比, transgender men were 13 times more likely to have obesity and more than three times more likely to have high cholesterol.

的 发现 also suggest that transgender participants who received gender-affirming surgery or hormone treatments were more likely to use tobacco, consume alcohol and need cholesterol-lowering medications than other transgender participants.

Researchers said the study's small size limits the generalization of the 发现. Ezeh called for larger studies of transgender people and more comprehensive assessments of the effects of different hormone therapy regimens on cardiovascular risks.

的 new research is of vital concern because it sheds light not only on the potential increased cardiovascular risk to transgender people but also to people living in rural areas, Dr. 小卡尔·斯特里德. 在沙巴足球体育平台稿中说. 压力, 谁没有参与这项新研究, is an assistant professor of internal medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and the research lead at GenderCare Center at Boston Medical Center.

"的se disparity gaps pack a one-two punch to our transgender patients and communities for a number of reasons,压力说, 谁领导了《沙巴足球体育平台》的写作 2021科学声明 from the AHA about the cardiovascular health of transgender and gender-diverse people in the United States. "的 physical risks are likely heightened by the mental stress that many LGBTQ+ people encounter due to discrimination that is often more prevalent in rural America, 特别是在那些有政策限制获得性别确认护理的州."

这就是为什么, 他说, more research and programs are needed "to ensure equitable health and health care for all people, especially persons and communities most at risk due to various diversity gaps in care."

查看更多沙巴足球体育平台 科学会议.


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